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September 30, 2022


Scots wife giving away coffin online after husband lives 'longer than she hoped'

(Thanks to Ralph)


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She had it in her living room? So...she planned to need it there? Or did she just dump the body in a trash bag? Shoddy reporting.

Lady, I think you're the one cluttering up the house.

Wherever there's a pillow, there's still hope, so careful what you wish for.

So that means before too long she'll be renting a wood chipper?

It's not the cough that carries you off.

It's the coffin they carry you off in.

Rod, in her defense, it made a lovely coffee table.

On the plus side this proves she's not a hoarder.

^5 to Steverino! I am so stealing that.

Why couldn't Dracula's wife sleep?

Because of his coffin!

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