Toilet user's horror as huge spider perched on top of loo roll after 'bout of diarrhoea'
You know the continent.
(Thanks to Ralph)
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Toilet user's horror as huge spider perched on top of loo roll after 'bout of diarrhoea'
You know the continent.
(Thanks to Ralph)
Snakes and mice are falling from the ceiling of a Lexington high school
(Thanks to Rick Day)
Hi {First Name},
(Thanks to John Grant)
AI Portraits Imagine How Celebrities Would Look If They Were Still Alive Today
(Thanks to Barry Nester)
Man treks globe in search of the world’s worst public toilet
(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w)
(Thanks to Rod Nunley)
Salt Lake City sewers emit mysterious music in homes
(Thanks to Zaphod)
(Thanks to Al Barkafski)
Man visits 67 pubs in 24 hours to break world record
(Thanks to Greg Snow and The Amazing Steve, who says “burp.”)
Crash involving five semis covers Florida highway in beer cans
(Thanks to Bill Hudgins, Jane Linderman, Rodney Bertelsen, Rick Stevenson and Emily, Leslie and w)
You might want to ask for a non-ukulele flight.
(Thanks to Alan Dean)
Man drives a mile in reverse to break Guinness World Record
(Thanks to Noah Spicker)
Michigan couple gifted custom, four-tiered cocktail sausage cake on their wedding day
(Thanks to Dave Vander Ark)
Deodorant, Ramen, SPAM: Unexpected Products Join Pumpkin Spice Craze
(Thanks to Alan Dean, who says "SPAM?")
Giant Monitor Lizard Tries To Enter House In Florida
(Thanks to Ralph)
FDA warns against cooking chicken in NyQuil, the latest social media challenge
(Thanks to Annette and ImNotDave)
Earth has at least 20 quadrillion ants, study finds
(Thanks to Jim Kenaston and Rodney Bertelsen)
(Thanks to The Perts, Doug Ogg, Stan Ruth and Rod Nunley)
U.S. beer shortage looms with gap in carbon dioxide supply
(Thanks to Ralph, Rich Alpin and Emily, Leslie and w)
“Looks like we have a big cock. Can you handle it?”
(Thanks to Ralph)
Loch Ness Monster spotter gets 'first sightings of Nessie' after webcams installed
Seeing be believing, me hearties:
(Thanks to John Lobert, who asks "How much more rock-solid photographic evidence are people going to need?")
Since we be speakin' o' commodes: Here’s Why A Toilet Is Hanging On A Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet’s Wing
Guinea Pig Awareness week has been cancelled for the Queen's funeral
(Thanks to Ralph)
Northern Minnesota researchers find treasure after sorting through 7,000 wolf poops
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
It's the eve of Talk Like a Pirate Day, and this year it's the 20th anniversary of when you brought our little idea to the world's attention. We thought, "Well, there's our 15 minutes of fame, it'll be over by the afternoon," but somehow we were able to stretch that out out to 20 years. Never would have imagined it. A lot of chutzpah (not a pirate word) on our part, but it wouldn't have meant anything without your initial boost.
Thanks. Enjoy the day. We'll be hosting on livestreamed at the events page on Facebook from 6 to 9 p.m. PDT, assuming we can get the system set up. Fortunately we've got someone who says he knows what he's doing to do that. We shall see.
Thanks for spreading the word and the word is "Aarrr!" – Ol' Chumbucket
A GROOM suffered a broken collar bone after trying to show off on a dirt bike at his wedding.
(Thanks to Allen at Division, who says " Other than that, it was a lovely affair.")
(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)
'Unpatriotic' raccoons repeatedly invade official's home, poop on flag
(Thanks to Ralph)
Do not click here.
(Thanks to Roberto)
Chess Player Insists He Didn't Use Sex Toy To Defeat World Champion
(Thanks to Alan Dean)
King Charles will abdicate next year according to psychic who reads asparagus
(Thanks to Alan Dean)