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September 26, 2022


Woman fires shot during fight at Chuck E. Cheese in Brandon, deputies say

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson, EricY, John Lobert and Ralph)


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If they put metal detectors at the entrance doors of Chuck E. Cheese, maybe it will persuade the combatants to move the fights to Waffle House.

Whats the old saying.."Don't bring a gun to a pizza fight!"

FLORIDA Woman, needless to say.

Why don't I ever get invited to parties like this?

Really ! The pizza's not THAT bad.

When the guy wearing the Chuck E. Cheese costume resigned in fear after the incident the manager asked, "are you a man or a mouse."

What do ya mean you're out of Swiss cheese? BANG-BANG! There's your Swiss cheese!

Totally true: Chuck E. Cheese pizza is now being sold in the frozen pizza section of my local supermarket. For those who want to play the home version.

My last time in Chuck E. Cheese: We were reluctantly sitting at little tables under a network of overhead tubes during my nephew's birthday party. There was a very funky smell about. Later, I was standing in line in the women's bathroom, when a woman dragged her daughter in and started ripping the girl's clothes off in front of us. "Somebody pooped in the tunnel!" she yelled. Women started screaming and rushing out of the bathroom to save their loved ones.

Yep. Never been back.

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