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September 28, 2022


Diamondback rattlesnake interrupts Florida high school football game


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It had no trouble getting the best seat in the house.

OK. Paging this guy.

Cool mascot?

Better that then a gator.

Its bark is NOT worse than its bite.

My only close up encounter with one of these was when an older man came into the ER with a snake bite. I was asking him about it when I noticed he was holding a Walmart bag and it was moving. He'd brought the very alive rattlesnake with him so we could see what type it was. The doctor and I almost made a cartoon type hole in the wall while running away from him and his snake. After giving him the anti-venom I told him if this happened again that all he had to do was give a description of the snake and there was no need to bring in anymore evidence.

I think nursecindy has a book or movie script in her about her life at an ER.

If this had happened in Texas, they would have continued to play.

This situation is why they wear cleats.

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