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September 20, 2022


Earth has at least 20 quadrillion ants, study finds

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston and Rodney Bertelsen)


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We need to put this study under a magnifying glass.

...and how many mosquitos?

Researchers had a picnic and counted them.

And now we know why nobody has ever invited ants to a picnic.

Ants play a significant role, dispersing seeds, hosting organisms and serving as either predators or prey. Some have even gone on to fame. Despite being stepped on daily at their star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, their birthright lives on. Here making an appearance in 'Hosting Organisms' one of their most famous roles, the ants talents are displayed moving 20 million billion times their weight.

I'm pretty sure its 22 quadrillion ants. Go ahead, prove me wrong......

How did the researchers get them to fill out the survey forms?

And seemingly all of them want in my house in the winter time.

But how many uncles?

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah.
The ants go marching one by one,
The little one stops to suck his thumb.
And they all go marching down,
To the ground, to get out of the rain...

How long does this take to sing to get to 20 quadrillion?

Subtract one from that total. I think I stepped on one this afternoon. Sorry.

Maybe 1 qradrillion or so are in my kitchen right now.

I was curious about this. The surface area of the earth is 500million km^2. If an average ant was 2X2mm, and there were 20 X 10^16 of them, that would mean 8 X 10^11 km^2 of ants. That implies that ants could cover the entire planet (oceans included), 1000 ants deep. That doesn't seem right

Steve, there are 10^12 sq mm in a sq km. Thus your numbers give a total ant area of 8x10^5 sq km, with a depth of only 1/1000 of an ant 😎

Steve, there are 10^12 sq mm in a sq km. Thus your numbers give a total ant area of 8x10^5 sq km, with a depth of only 1/1000 of an ant 😎

In fact, even 10 times less than that, bec 20 quadrillion is 20x10^15, not 20x10^16...

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