Loch Ness Monster spotter gets 'first sightings of Nessie' after webcams installed
Seeing be believing, me hearties:
(Thanks to John Lobert, who asks "How much more rock-solid photographic evidence are people going to need?")
« September 18, 2022 | Main | September 20, 2022 »
Loch Ness Monster spotter gets 'first sightings of Nessie' after webcams installed
Seeing be believing, me hearties:
(Thanks to John Lobert, who asks "How much more rock-solid photographic evidence are people going to need?")
Since we be speakin' o' commodes: Here’s Why A Toilet Is Hanging On A Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet’s Wing
Guinea Pig Awareness week has been cancelled for the Queen's funeral
(Thanks to Ralph)