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July 25, 2022


Huge charismatic walrus sinking boats and causing mayhem after becoming global icon

(Thanks to John Lobert and Frank)


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Bow riders can be problematic. They have similar problems with female icons on the Miami River in Florida.

Sex crazed walruses even crashed a tupperware party...

They were looking for a tight seal.

Sad. I guess he's given up on making Palme d'OR winning documentaries and has nothing better to do.

Ahem, that's the Notorious H.C.W. thank you very much.

Problems with this charismatic walrus started when she attacked and ate a boat carrying cases experimental female Viagra. So far, all scientists know for certain is the effects last longer than 4 hours.

Sounds like Dave needs to fire Walter once he's done firing judi.

Why is it that once they become big stars they think that they're entitled to throw their weight around?

You're one to talk, George Costanza.

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