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July 31, 2022


A Beer-Drinking Pony Is the Mayor of This English Village

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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The Cockington's were a worthy 'cry over your beer', you could get blind drunk and play their hit tune over and over and over 'groovy'.

Paul Revere knocked the lead singer unconscious in '66 at local pub.

Since he was appointed it's safe to assume that big beaver will be giving him a run for his money in the next election cycle.

Not the first mare to pony up to the bar during the election.

Not enough 'neighs' in the voting?

He was too small to run with the thoroughbreds so he decided to seek a more stable job.

He comes from a wealthy family so he does whatever behooves him.

The mayor had to see a psychiatrist due to a recurring dream of a large horse chasing him after sunset. It was a night mare.

Isn't "Beer-Drinking Pony" the name of at least one pub in every shire?

Nope. We have too many horse's rear ends in Washington as it is.

When did horsing around in bars become news?

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