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July 26, 2022


Jogger screams for help as otters chase after her at West Coast Park JULY 25, 2022

(Thanks to Ralph)

*We assume.


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I dunno. A posted sign that says, "Beware of Otters" almost sounds comical.

She otter run faster.

Wait until the otters learn to whistle and say " Hey, baby " .

If you thing otter gangs are aggressive now just wait until they start selling drugs & learn how to ride Harleys.

The Otters reunion tour featured suprise guest appearances by Pat Boone and Neil Sedaka, both of whom are dead, and these guys who were way out of place shouting, "No Stairway" while chasing Sedaka around the stage. They bit him, too.

This is a new training technique called, "Otter Sprints." If you are able to scream during the drill, you aren't running fast enough.

Don't mess with a significant otter.

We have heard about muskrat love. In this 'woke' generation we should have expected otter love and otter things.


Soon to be the next Disney animated classic "West Coast Story" about two rival gangs, the Squirrels and the Otters, who suffer the consequences of the gentrification in the neighborhood.

Actually, otters are related to weasels. Although they might be trained by squirrels, their taxonomic position really makes them best suited to sell cars or pass legislation.

And I was gonna guess sell legislation or pass cars.

Wait...China doesn't have a West Coast.

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