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July 31, 2022


“I have worn this skirt to prior executions without incident"

(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)


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What be the Alabama regulations regarding the wearing of kilts to a witch burning?

I'll bet it's murder to plan a date night with her

"Wait. An execution? I thought this was the reopening of Studio 54."


Soon to be marketing her own line of special event ensembles, featuring mix&match combinations.

Her Hrynkiw was exposed, but still.

@Jeff - agree. Just about every place of business has a dress code of some sort ("No Shoes, No Shirt - No Service). Expecting some people to exhibit modesty in attire can be a lost cause.
This journalist is now calling herself a victim, because that defense works out so well these days. smph

I'm a victim
You're a victim
We're all victims
If you drink Dr Victim, you're a victim, too!

I also agree with Jeff and MOTW.
However I may have to slightly *SMACK* MOTW for getting that jingle stuck in my head.

She asked her boyfriend how she looked in her new skirt.

He said, "You look drop-dead gorgeous!"

That sealed her wardrobe selection for the execution.

And she wore a tube top to a wedding.....

Brings to mind Kristen Chenoweth's story about rocking a miniskirt until she runs into the designer of said apparel who says: "I like what you've done with my tank-top".

Really enjoyed the guitar on Wilson Pickett's 'Mini Skirt Mini' recording. I had never heard that but am confident the guitar is the 'clean' sound of a Stratocaster (from the 60's at that) by a man by the name of Jimmy Johnson who played guitar on many of Pickett's hits from the era. I can find little about Jimmy Johnson likely heard here. The guitar in the album cover is a hollow body looks Gibson-ish.

1966 Fender Stratocaster. The magnets in the original single coil pickups go dead over time and create that 'mellow' 'warm' sound so desired by guitarist and mini skirt wearing ladies for that matter.

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