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June 29, 2022


Experts encourage eating jellyfish to curb population explosion in Mediterranean

It is not clear, from this wording, which population would be curbed.

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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You probably don't want to boil the jellyfish as the whole meal will likely escape into the atmosphere via steam.

Maybe serve them sushi style???

So the choice is eating jellyfish or sex? In some instances it might be hard to distinguish between the two.

Not the Mediterranean diet I'm familiar with.

It goes well with peanutbutterfish.

An old friend convinced me to try jellyfish on a luncheon trip. I rate them as even less tasty than sea cucumber, FWIW.

Professor Sing Sung at FU (Flathead University) claims jellyfish are edible but have an unfortunate tendency to die when stocked in a cold freshwater lake. The professor also said this is no problem because a McDonald's Big Mac tastes a LOT better than jellyfish.

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