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June 30, 2022


Beer Made From Recycled Toilet Water Wins Admirers in Singapore

(Thanks to Al Barkafski, Michael Parry, Barry Nester, James Flynn and Catherine)


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Said "admirers" are normally Bud Light drinkers is my guess.

Funny, I thought ALL been was made from recycled sewage.

Sing-a-long: The Circle of Life!

Many of us have long thought all light beer was made from this type of water.

Did they actually drink some or are they just admiring the color?

You don't have to go to Singapore. Bud Light has been made from sewage water for decades. The major intake for the brewery is "...approximately 4 1/2 feet from the outfall at the Metro St. Louis Sewer District Missouri River Treatment Plant."

And here in New Hampshire, the Merrimack River drains the sewage treatment plants along its entire watershed, with a population of hundreds of thousands, increasing in the summer.

When it enters Massachusetts, it becomes the water supply for the Cities of Lowell and Lawrence, which have multiple breweries. They don't advertise that their products are made from recycled toilet water.

I believe "beer made from recycled toilet water" is the additive inverse of "toilet water made from recycled beer."

Hmmmm.....Toilet water or Formaldayde....Choices, choices.

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