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June 26, 2022


People drawn to others who smell like them

(Thanks to Barry Nester)


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This explains why Stinky Pete, who runs the Flathead County trash collection, is single and has no close friends.

Another question for eHarmony to ask.

Back in the 1950's, that would have been everybody ( including your car, your drapes, your sofa, your dog...etc. ), because the world world smelled like cigarette smoke.

Wolf October Berry must attract a lot of a**holes.

So people whose noses run and feet smell now have social clubs with names like Muc-us/Puk-us?

I usually don't go around sniffing people so I'm going to have to take their word for it.

Authors must smell like other authors. Another gathering in Sonoma for those with the write stuff.

Metaphors be with you.

Is this connected to the story about the Oklahoma guy who hid in cow manure?

Dogs have been trying to teach that to us since forever.

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