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June 24, 2022


Swiss 'hotel' offers sleepless nights to ponder world's crises

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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How much extra to get one of those Alexa unit in my hotel? Let's do sleepless right.

I also know a few spots up here in northern Minnesota where people could ponder the issues around the wolf population.

Guests are invited in their ‘half sleep’ to consider topics like climate change, war, and humanity’s endless quest for perfection and the damage it causes the planet.

I think I've attended this church.

Franchise opportunities in Beirut, Kiev, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, L.A., Washington, D.C. and Yuma.

" The intention is to make guests think about the problems in the world..."

Sounds like that motel I stayed at once in Mankato. A Pee Wee Hockey team played hockey in the hall until I complained at midnight. Then they went to a room next to me and bounced off the walls until 2 AM.

If you spend the night in an Australian hotel, being on the lookout for venomous snakes will give you a sleepless night. It will also guarantee you won't worry about the world's problems when you are just hoping to live through the night.

I thought Vegas was the preferred location for sleepless nights.

By making you guilty about the world situation, they mask any guilt you may have about paying actual money for no real product or service.

I bet they don't have a bed bug problem. Lots of predatory spiders roaming around.

Crisis topic du jour...

Sleepless nights. Wouldn't that be like being deployed in a war zone?

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