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June 27, 2022


Firefighters Find Overheated Vibrator After Being Called to Apartment

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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When the firefighters arrived, they found the vibrator fully involved in flames. After the fire had been extinguished, they mentioned the woman who owned the apartment was sitting silent while rolling her eyes and smoking a cigarette. Later, all she had to say was: "It was worth it!"

Le Pet

She'd probably prefer getting hosed by the firemen than wearing out her toy.

Even more impressive once you realise the vibrator didn't have an electrical component.

Oddly, her apartment smelled like burnt bacon.

So just HOW big was her clitoris?

Now that I think of it, didn't they open for The Stones?

Smoke in the cupboard, a fire in the sky
Smoke in the cupboard

Dun, dun, dun
dun, dun da, dun

You can't buy batteries that powerful anywhere in Flathead County.

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