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June 27, 2022


A 51-year-old Florida man has been arrested after attempting to disassemble and steal someone’s porch.

(Thanks to pharmaross and Ralph)


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No disassemble, Stefanie.


Florida Man, always prepared to step up for the coming task. Besides, in his defense, he just wanted to place his refridgerator on it, next to the double-wide for the summer and planned to bring it back.

Points for originality.

The police have their hands full pinching porch poachers.

He was unsuccessful getting the entire porch. Now he'll have to be satisfied by watching his step.

The dude was a wannabe pirate. He had no eyepatch, no noticeable parrot poop or anything to qualify him as a pirate. I would assume he didn't even say, Arrrgh.

New reality show: WHEN HANDYMEN GO BAD. Starting this fall on A&E.

It was an act of desperation after he couldn't assemble his own IKEA porch.

He COULD get off if said he was having flashbacks to when he was a boy and playing with his Erector Set.

Maybe he'll be made to walk the plank.

LeDud, I’d watch that show.

I don't think so, Tim.

Here in Flathead County he would get off by saying, "Dang! I got the wrong address."

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