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June 29, 2022


A mum has asked for advice after her toilet mysteriously blew up

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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This is why toilets should come with a government warning not to eat Taco Bell and several minutes later rush into the bathroom with a lit cigarette.

Designate it for snake use only.

She should have inquired earlier.

And where were your teenagers?

Renovate the bathroom.

Those convents have notoriously cheap plumbing.

Oh wait, I see now it says "mums."

Could we please re-disable the comments?

This is why the plumbers guild does not recommend the use of candles in the loo or using fireworks to unclog a blocked drain.

In Europe they are plagued by 'fatbergs' plugging sewer lines and causing a pressure buildup leading to exploding toilets.

This incident happened in Australia. It had to be caused by a 'snakeberg' buildup that caused the explosion. Unlike European exploding toilets, Australian toilet explosions can cause a venomous fallout cloud that has to be watched out for.

A few months ago, a Home Depot was evacuated in the midwest, all because a shopper told a clerk he just "blew up" the toilet.

You can't make up stories this good.

I've tried.

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