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June 30, 2022


Wild brawl erupts between two funeral directors at a cemetery

(Thanks to Emily, Leslie and w)


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People forget that the first 3 letters of funeral are FUN.

The brawl successfully masked the banging from inside the coffin and the feeble shout: "I'm not dead yet!"

So much for that whole eternal rest thing, as this sounds like it might just be a hearse of a different color.

He punched a man that had a priest sitting beside him? Somebody's going to "H. E. double hockey sticks", iykwim.

We need to arrange for representative members of the Australian press to attend an American ice hockey game, so as to educate them on the definition of a "wild brawl." The funeral episode was more like an "aggravated assault."

Chuck E. Cheese is catering funerals now?

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