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June 25, 2022


The female hyena has an 8-inch clitoris

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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"The female lion will mate up to 100 times a day with a bevy of male suitors."

That's a very prolific pussy cat!

8-inch Clitoris toured with Nine Inch Nails. Scratch that. But they did hit the charts with, Eight Inches High - long version.

I may have more later on the extent and consequences of having an 8 inch long one especially consequential and extent-full if a Hyena is not involved.

You're once, twice, eight times a lady, etc.

Ted Hyena, "How did your first date with Mariah measure up?'

Bob Hyena, "It was many times over what I had anticipated."

The male hyenas still cannot find it.

The first couple guys who went out there to measure one never returned.

And it's spectacular!

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