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June 30, 2022


Moose spotted on roof at Montana guest ranch

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Update: The moose bit a guest's sister and ran away. Lawyers are converging on the scene. Film at 10 p.m.

"Moose are abundant in the wilderness surrounding The Ranch at Rock Creek in Montana, and visitors recently spotted one browsing from a rooftop."

I wonder what browser it was using? Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.?

"Asked if this was common, or dangerous for moose,"

If may not have been dangerous for the moose, but those dudes are HEAVY, and the rood better support that weight, or it will be dangerous for the people down below,

That is unusual, moose don't usually have spots. Maybe a little blotchy.

A moose and A Dave Blogger walk on the roof of a saloon . . .

Not Moose's fault as Squirrel took him for drink and told him highballs were on the house.

Agree with @Steverino. That's just over half a giraffe up on the roof, assuming it's a female.

This would seem appropriate.


This would seem appropriate.

told him highballs were on the house.

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