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June 29, 2022


The comments still don't work. I have attempted to contact Typepad support about this but I'm not confident that I'm getting through. If anybody out there has any ideas -- other than "Try hitting the computer" -- about how to correct this problem, feel free to email me. Meanwhile, if you are experiencing Internal Comment Buildup (ICB) and fear you might explode, you could try alleviating the pressure by going to a public place such as a Starbucks and expressing your comments to random individuals. "I saw them open for Whitesnake!" you might say. Or "I blame the squirrels!" Please do not mention my name.   


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I did like you asked Dave, and burst into the local SB shouting: "Beware the squirrels, and do NOT mention my name, which is not Dave Barry". Looks like it must have worked, you're welcome.

Look, "hitting the computer" is absolutely in the toolkit of Computer Professionals. Most of the stuff we do is hostile - We reboot systems, recover crashes, (we used to) punch cards, depress keys, etc.

I believe Typepad must have turned it off and on again. That usually works.

I imagine the call to Typepad went something like this:


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