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June 29, 2022


X-ray finds 109 live animals in women's luggage at Bangkok airport

Including two armadillos.

(Thanks to Jay Brandes)


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"When did you first notice these bothersome large oozing reddish-brown colored open wounds covering 90% of your face?"

"Not long after I shared my oxygen mask with my two armadillos during a flight where all other 48 animals in my suitcase adjusted well to the altitude."

Snakes? Why did she have snakes?

nursecindy - she was going to get Snakes on a Plane

That's certainy the LAST place I'd have looked, but who the hell is X-ray, some kind of a rapper, or is 109 Live Animals some kind of a tribute band? But then again, it IS Bangkok, so anything goes.

I betcha she had Geico insurance because one of those lizards was the Geico gecko.

As man tom pointed out, armadillos can carry leprosy. Not a good thing. However, folks living in the Old West used to eat them, saying, "They taste like chicken."

Le Petomane in some quarters they’re referred to as “possum on the half shell”

She could declare not to have any ants in her pants assuming that she wasn't naked down under.

Just some snacks for the trip.

@22_Minutes: "Two women were arrested at a Thailand airport for trying to smuggle 50 lizards, 35 turtles, 20 snakes, 2 armadillos, and a couple porcupines. Customs knew something was up when their checked bag was an ark."

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