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June 29, 2022


Who is Linda Skeens?

(Thanks to Peter Metrinko)


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This is Martha Stewart's alias.

We can all be comforted by the thought that she's not really gone, that there's a little Skeeves left in all of us.

In fact, you might say that all of us together made up Skeeves.

Our grief will pass.

It's already hard to remember exactly how Linda looked, how she talked, her little laugh.

Thankfully she's left behind a memorial.

I've been informed by Radar that Captain Skeeves's G.I. Insurance...
named Sister Theresa's orphanage as her sole beneficiary.

We salute you, Captain Skeeves, humanitarian and healer.

Good luck, Doctor, in that great big waiting room in the sky.

Definitely the Overachiever of the Week.

Dining tip: Do not confuse sweet bread with sweetbreads.

How would I get a marriage proposal to her ?

Where is the competition buried?

Isn't she the love child of Tim Kono and Bunny Folger?

This lady's denial seems sketchy to me.
Also, I don't really want to know how to pleasure a pony.

Skeens is a frickin' overachiever, if you ask me.

She's the fair version of Alan Smithee.

Snork to cfjk!

It could have been worse if there had been a fly in the teleportation machine when it got stuck in Linda Skeens mode and turned out 152 of them before the janitor unplugged it.

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