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April 21, 2022


Thousands of genetically altered mice could be released on Nantucket by MIT scientists

(Thanks to Ann Farr)

We know what might drive them out.


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Suprised DeSantis hasn't thought of that for the House of Mouse. Company for Mickey.

They don't seen 20,000 of these. Just drop in one of each sex, and you'll have that 100,000 you want in no time.

Are they concerned that real estate prices on the Island are too low? Anyway, it's good to know that MIT scientists have their summer vacation plans worked out.

Play Freebird!

Mad scientists are at it again. While the Rock Bottom Remainders music might save the world, I would suggest going with the tried-and-true, Indian Love Call, by Slim Whitman.

I don't see a problem with the genetic modification being tested on islands; I see a big problem with the experiment assuming you can drop thousands of lab-grown mice in unfamiliar territories of other wild mice and expect them to survive. Try dropping the MIT scientists on the uninhabited islands first.

Won't the genetic modified mice just sprout wings and fly away?

"Scientists hope that if less mice carry Lyme, then fewer tickets would become infected and would infect less humans." Do they mean tickets to the Rock Bottom Remainders?

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