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April 20, 2022


Man hands officers meth instead of registration at traffic stop

(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)


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Talk about wanting to be caught.

"Yes, Officer, I'm guilty. Here's the proof. Please lock me up now."

As Paul Harvey used to say: "Now for the rest of the story."

The man had some aching bad teeth and needed dental work. The value of the drugs he gave the cop was only a few bucks and he could get thousands of dollars' worth of dental work done free in jail. Also, he needs glasses, a haircut and beard trim along with having a strange mole that needs looked at.
Besides, the car he was driving belonged to his Ex.

It's either an attempt at bribery, or if it occured in Florida, just an honest mistake.

That's a scary looking mug shot of Mr. Porter.

Roy Porter:
Typo error
Pro toy err
Retro ropy

Was that picture on his Driver's License? He has great eyes. I would call them, distinctive.

Makes sense, because:

1. West Virginia has lots of meth.
2. West Virginia has always operated on the bribery system.

This happens entirely too often. Police need to quit making traffic stops.

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