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April 22, 2022


Pet psychic reveals 5 steps to talk to your dog - and it's easier than you think

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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The little doggo is thinking, "Stop exploiting me for commercial gain already."

When the dog starts talking back, it's trouble brewing. However, the dog may likely make good sense and advise her to get on some meds.

If your dog could talk he'd tell you in only one easy lesson that pet psychics are nuckin futz.

Didn't Bud Light for a while come with the ability to talk with your dog? Maybe it still does as an unadvertised feature.

I got stuck on step 2, “tap your third eye.” I’ll have a word with the next spider I see to ask if it can help.

All you need to know is the Mirror featured this.

Woof! Woof woof woof woof. Woof woof? Woof woof woof!!

( How difficult is that ? )

Wendy the talking dog.

What kind of a wierd psycho-masochist keeps a psychic for a pet?

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