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April 25, 2022


DUI driver arrested after colliding with stopped FHP cruiser on US-19 in Palm Harbor

He already has a Florida license.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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I won that Stop! 45 on a call-in radio show in 1964. I was 9! I was close to 10, so it's not really so amazing.

Imagine getting a ride with Jeff Glass, who was rumored to have a glass eye, in his '67 Barracuda with this song blasting on his tricked out sterophnic car 8 track.

For more adventures of teenager man tom, stay tuned on the edge of your seat.

*Great chord progression. I never forgot to this day the song riding in that '67. I couldn't tell if Jeff had a glass eye. I looked several times. I didn't want to stare. I was a chimp, like 13 and Jeff was ape with a car.

In his defense, that FHP cruiser never should have been there. Besides unless there's video his lawyer will claim the cop backed into him.

STOPPED cruiser? What kind of lame challenge is that?

Was the perp sining 'Because of wine, I walk the line'?

"Yer Honor, I saw that patrol car stopped in the road. I thought they were havin' car trouble and needed a push. Reckon I misjudged my speed a tad, but my intentions were good."

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