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April 26, 2022


Fictosexual man who married hologram singer says no family showed up to wedding

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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Welp. That's one of the strangest things I've read on this blog. (since January 2003)

What about her family?

Hey, he saved a lot of money on the ceremony and reception.

And one day she looks at him and says, "Dude, this relationship you think we have -- it's all in your head."

Let the cyber-nagging begin.

Wait until his fictosexual wife sues him for divorce and demands child support for 6 imaginary kids, along with huge monthly alimony checks to be paid in real money.

That's pretty fictoed-up.

Imaginary friends, UNITE!

We feel out of touch. Things like this don't happen here in Flathead County. However, if they did, there would be a big turnout for the wedding. Cheaper than going to Disneyland by a long chalk.

I have an acquaintance who currently resides with an online mail order bride. He is 71 and she is likely in her late 30's. Unlike Mr. Kondo, ...Hero?

I bet he also thinks he's in the MATRIX. Maybe the sunglasses guy will come to their anniversary party.

He must have put a ring on "IT".

How often does tech support put him on hold?

Fictosexual? I think we've finally jumped the shark with this nonsense. Or perhaps jumped the dolphin that identifies as a shark.

I looked up ficto- in the dictionary, just to be sure about how to characterize this guy. The closest thing I could come up with was "fiction".

Does anyon here know what the proper pronouns for fictosexuals are?

@ David P.: For this couple, um and ohm might do.

He thought she was "a real doll"?

You Are So Beautiful

Rag Doll

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