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February 25, 2022


2:35 p.m. Officers on patrol needed to counsel some individuals about how to correctly use parking spaces.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Seen on a bumper sticker (cleaned up for the blog): "I hope you don't have sex like you park -- you'll never get it in."

9:52pm: Police had too much to go on.

So after two-and-a-half hours of working on it, that woman still didn't know how NOT to call 911?

Not just in Miami, Dave. They are needed in Palm Beach County too.

Sounds like the officers may have had it in for her.

@Jeff Myerson -- We need those here in So Calif (home of many SUVs larger than some homes), too.

"9:52 p.m. A distressed caller reported that the “commode is backed up.” A follow-up call assured dispatch that a plunger was en route."

IF this was anywhere else, they could have used a toilet snake.

@Steverino - as in Australia? Toilet snakes are daily occurrence there.

8:41 p.m.--A woman was smoking by an apartment she did not live at.

Update--A good Samaritan used a fire extinguisher to put her smoldering parka out. The lady was only slightly singed, but the parka was pretty much considered a loss.

This Disco Mama could really knock it out of the park...

Some of the worst lyrics ever.

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