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January 22, 2022


Truck with 100 monkeys crashes, some of them missing

(Thanks to pharmaross, Roberto, Tinkerbell and Nelson from Michigan)


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And I was just planning to buy a monkey at my local Walmart. I will have to wait for a new delivery I guess.

Didn't Truck and 100 Monkeys do a Barry Manilow medley at Woodstock?

Qaz: Buying monkeys can be problematic.

I saw Ten Square Monkey Crash open for King Crimson.

Danville police have set up a special hotline for citizens to report any suspicious monkey business.

I just want to know where the trunk monkey was in all this

Pretty soon, they'll have a t.v. show...

Geez! Is nothing secure? First the Roomba, then monkeys. Pretty soon we will have no security left.

Monkeys, Go Home!

(Coincidentally, a good Yvette Mimieux movie.)

Night at the Texas Museum of Natural History starring Ben Stiller.

Uh-oh. This could end up like the famous Nolan Ryan snow monkey episode.

Who would win- 100 Monkeys vs 300 Spartans?

They're the young generation
And they've got something to say♫

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