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January 25, 2022


Japanese lingerie manufacturer Wacoal recently launched a line of lace boxer briefs for men that are said to be both beautiful and functional.

(Thanks to Static Joeage)


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OH! Excuse me!
I thought this was the men's underwear department?

Many important Japanese figures have worn these for years.

I've always thought if a man's underwear is prettier and lacier than mine then there's a very good chance I'm not exactly what he's looking for.

Is there an option for a squeaking codpiece? Asking for a friend.

Does it come with a frilly, lacey, perky, push-up mansiere for my man-boobs?

Here in Flathead County if some dude walked into a bar and mentions to the person sitting alongside him, he would like to show them his pretty underwear, let's just say he will limp out of town and take a cold chill when anyone ever mentions Flathead County or Montana.

Father's Day is coming.

Just a reminder.

Plus, when you're done with them, they make dandy window curtains.

Oh, to be beautiful AND functional once again.

If you buy these, NEVER get in a car accident.

Sure would save me the embarrassment of shopping for myself at Victoria's Secret. Plus the manly lace would hold up better when I'm busting lug nuts on a Peterbilt.

Real men don't wear lace.
Unless they're a 12th century noble.

There's a lot of holes in this marketing approach.

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