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January 30, 2022


We lost Johnny Fever.


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Yeah, just saw that a little while ago. Major bummer.

We last saw him on Broadway many ten years ago.


Aw, boogers.

The Doctor is NOT in, but out exploring new airwaves with the Big Guy, RIP H.H.

Very funny guy, great improv comedian. He was about the only watchable part of the old movie "Billy Jack." Well, except for the bit where Billy Jack kicked the mayor up side the head.

Dr. Johnny Fever Drinking and Response Time was a classic bit.

he'll be missed.

I misse those old sitcoms when all characters were actually likeable, even Herb.

I loved Johnny Fever. ♥

They don't make sitcom characters like they used to.

Here is the classic turkey drop episode with Johnny Fever and Les Nessman (Richard Sanders). Great talent in better times.


He absolutely owned that role. Classic. He was a real DJ at one point.

So it goes.

Sad day, he had some classic roles. :(

He can finally get a definitive ruling on whether God really wanted him to be a golf pro.

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