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September 24, 2021


Gorillas shock onlookers with oral sex show at Bronx Zoo in hilarious video

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Background music proposition.

“Great Ape Fellatio” once opened for “The Sex Pistols.” Steamy show.

As Simon & Garfunkle used to say....
"Something tells me it's all happening at the zoo."

^WARNING^ Gorilla's over 7 years of age only.

Gorilla's 7 years or older a reminder. I did the math quickly, so you be the judge.

Music for monkeying around.

Going Ape!

Retro Monkey Shines

Is there a Yaris in the enclosure?

So, Great Ape Fellatio is "blowing up" on social media?

So the last paragraph of the article reads: "Although when it comes to the “animal kinkdom,” perhaps nothing holds a candle to the sadomasochistic-seeming American turkey, which is known to fluff up phallic facial appendages, stand on their mate’s necks during intercourse and other acts that put Caligula to shame." ...Sounds like a slap at the octogenarians in District of Corruption to me!

Something tells me this should be included in the next commercial prompting the zoo.

+1 to the Bonobos, and this quote really gets to the root of the matter...

"Great ape fellatio may seem unorthodox, but it’s really not. Oral sex is actually fairly common throughout the animal kingdom with sightings of species ranging from cheetahs to bears and bats engaging in the salacious act"

"From cheetahs, to bears, to bats", oh my! Be careful, it's a zoo out there people!

The late, great cartoonist, Kliban, drew an unnatural ax with a sheep.


Just guessing this is not practiced by piranhas.

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