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August 28, 2021


I'm busy being an author at the Sonoma Valley Authors Festival, where I got to catch up with my bandmate Amy Tan and another excellent author (and great guy) Walter Isaacson. They were attracted by my signage, which I carry everywhere so that people know who I am.

Amy DB Walter


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May I suggest that you put the name tag upside-down on the lanyard? It makes it easier to read your name when you are trying to remember who you are....

Happy Hour

Titles & Topics To Be Discussed At The Author's Fair

Tequila Mockingbird.

Never read Fitzgerald? You Gatsby kidding me!

“Never mind” —a passive aggressive Raven.

Dystopian novels are so 1984.

But first, Kafka.

Why is John Milton a terrible guest at game nights? Because when he’s around, there’s a pair of dice lost.

What do you call 2000 mockingbirds? Two kilo mockingbird.

Brontë? What a breath of fresh Eyre.

Forever Jung.

You’re nothing but a Wilde thing.

Waldo goes to India and finds himself.

Don't be sorry, just don't don't do it anymore.

May I say, you all look marvelous.

Now. Amy call me.

To misquote Billy Crystal: "It's more important to look good than to write good."

I have Isaacson's Da Vinci book, I need to get to that.

Looks like a parochial school reunion. All the boys in blue shirts and khakis and Amy may have to go to the Principal's office with those sleeveless arms.

Were her boots made for walking here?

Isaacson kinda looks like he could be a bass player. Never hurts to have one of those around, just in case.

I've read several of Isaacson's excellent books -- DaVinci, Ben Franklin, Einstein. Oh, I read one of Dave's, too.

Amy And Her Boots

I approve of this reminder

This is an impressive article.

Have you tried playing this jacksmith game? It certainly won't let you down because it's very good and extremely attractive.

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