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August 26, 2021


Neuroscientists Detect Remarkable 'Brain Waves' in Lab-Grown Mini Brains

(Thanks to Suzie Q Wacvet)


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In related news, their attempt at a lab-grown ass yielded not only the type of brain waves usually found only in adolescent males but also some very significant rip-tides.

But Dave, doesn't Washington already have enough mini-brains?

Why, in the wide world of sports, would neuroscientists waste the time and effort to grow mini brains? We need them super sized and turned out on assembly lines like Henry Ford did Model T's.
Installing the super sized brains in some people (politicians mainly) may take some moderate skull remodeling but the results *should* be positive. After all, what could go wrong?

I'll bet lab grown mini brains cant say " lab grown mini brains " ten times fast.

Pluripotent Stem Cells toured with Devo. Later renamed Abnormal Oscillations.

Injecting a human fat gene to supersize it could make it useful in the real world. Pinch me.


AB Normal?

Clankie---I can't say "lab grown mini brains" ten times fast. Does this mean I have a fully developed brain or did I inherit Abby Normal's thinker?

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