Chevy dealer replaces customer's Corvette after employee's 148-mph street race
(Thanks to John Lobert)
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Chevy dealer replaces customer's Corvette after employee's 148-mph street race
(Thanks to John Lobert)
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner and pharmaross)
Chronically lonely flies overeat and lose sleep
(Thanks to Ralph)
But we cannot help but note who was performing at the “We Love NYC” concert when the weather shut it down.
(Thanks to Le Petomane and David Clausing)
Landlord tries to rent out a bathroom with a desk shoved in as an ‘office space’
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
Corsica closes beaches after rampaging cows hurt tourists
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
9:31 a.m. An older youth was attempting to hooky-bob behind a car on his skateboard.
3:09 p.m. A suspicious looking drug deal turned out to be a two people bagging up huckleberries.
You know the county.
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Brad Staggs, an American soldier stationed in the Middle East, recently interviewed me for his podcast, The Working Writer. Apparently he was under the impression that I am working. Ha ha! Just kidding! Sort of. But seriously, Brad is a good man and I enjoyed the interview, which you can find here. The Apple Podcast version is here.
Sri Lanka bans 'drunk driving' of elephants in new protection law
(Thanks to Ralph)
Australian Golf Course Pond Is Home to Aggressive Bull Sharks
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Sexually frustrated sea snakes mistake scuba divers for potential mates
(Thanks to many people)
Related: Radioactive snakes may monitor Fukushima fallout
(Thanks to pharmaross)
The Milky Way Broke one of its Arms
(Thanks to The Perts)
Driver crashes into occupied port-a-potty on Madison's East Side
(Thanks to Patrick Lenon)
This Is the No. 1 Sign There's a Snake in Your House, Experts Say
Related: North Carolina Mom Finds Snake in Her Toilet in '2am Terror'
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
Man sinks car into Yakima River to 'fill up radiator' with water
(Thanks to Stan Ruth and B'game)
(Thanks to John Lobert, who says "I'm convinced.")
Woman comes face-to-face with 10-foot snake in Australia supermarket
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner and Woozy Barnes, who says "Cleanup on aisle 6.")
Idaho man balances 101 toilet paper rolls on forehead, breaks world record
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
(No, this blog is not done hiatusing. But this was urgent.)
Unfortunately we cannot provide a detailed update from Widaho because we are no longer in Widaho. But we assume all is well there.
Be advised that there is no Widaho update.
Hello from this blog's secret location, which we cannot reveal other than to say it rhymes with "Widaho." We got here via commercial aviation, which we do not recommend, as the airline industry currently has a policy in effect under which every flight that is not delayed must, for safety reasons, be canceled. But we had no choice; all the wagon trains are booked.
Anyway, we eventually made it. Widaho is beautiful, though most people who've never been here think it's just a bunch of wotato fields.
Feel free to comment in the comment section. That's why we call it the "comment section."
For the next two weeks this blog will be on hiatus (from the ancient Greek words "hia," meaning "not," and "tus," meaning "blogging"). We will probably post random items from time to time, but you will have to rely on some other source for the kind of comprehensive global hard-hitting news coverage we provide.
Mechanic customizes car to shoot flames from headlights
(Thanks to Le Petomane)
City worker reels in alligator from Michigan sewage lagoon
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Scientists mail freeze-dried mouse sperm on a postcard
(Thanks to Barry Nester, Andrew Mendez, Alkali Bill, Michael Moyer and Ralph)
Highly poisonous cobra on the loose in Grand Prairie
(Thanks to Dave N. and Asher Scheiner)
Little boy nurtures caterpillar into butterfly — until dog eats it
(Thanks to pharmaross)
New law targeting slow left lane drivers in SC goes into effect soon
(Thanks to pharmaross, who observes, correctly, that "A similar law in Florida would rake in millions of dollars.)
Home inspector charged with indecent act with stuffed dolL
(Thanks to pharmaross)
There’s a Kiefer Sutherland guitar.
(Thanks to Ranald Adams)
Equestrian jumpers say horses might spook at life-size sumo wrestler statue
(Thanks to Rod Nunley and Ralph)
(Thanks to Le Petomane, who says "Men have been begging women for help in this department for years, now we have a Harvard study to prove we need this assistance.")
Cat runs onto field at Yankee Stadium
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner, who says "The only Yankee I could ever cheer for.")
Bolivia’s second-largest lake disappears
(Thanks to Barry Nester)
Airborne turtle survives crash through windshield on Florida highway
(Thanks to Le Petomane)
Environmental scientist warns that pollution is causing penises to shrink
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
Iguana Found Thrashing Around Toilet In Hollywood Home
(Thanks to pharmaross)
We blame climate change.
(Thanks to Ed. Floden)
Masturbatory aid rocket launches in Japan
(Thanks to Ralph)
Couple Arrested For Mutual Pasta Battery
(Thanks to pharmaross, Rod Nunley and Bill Hudgins, who says "They could serve 6 months orzo.")
New Study Finds That Crows Are So Intelligent They Understand the Concept of Zero
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Chipmunks with plague prompt closure of some areas of South Lake Tahoe
(Thanks to ImNotDave, Le Petomane and Ralph)