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June 24, 2021


Why single people smell different

(Thanks to Le Petomane)


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It comes from not living in an environment of pine-scented cleaning products, " Summer garden " air fresheners and stinky Parisian perfumes.

Who doesn't like the smell of cold, congealed pepperoni za in the morning?

When I read articles like this I often wonder what the writers were thinking and where they got their facts. I felt the same way the other day after I was sent a very serious article on the proper way to brush my cat's teeth.

Forget the singles' bars. I'm going to hang out at Sephora looking to pick up chicks.

@ nursecindy - LOL! In his old age, my normally skinflint father had a cat that had him wrapped around its little paw. He took it to the vet and spent somewhere in the vicinity of $150 to have its teeth cleaned. I grew up rescuing unwanted kittens. Never once took them to the vet, or brushed their teeth.

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