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June 30, 2021


Cookie-cutter sharks are a small species of shark about the size of a domestic cat that will attack predators several times their size, biting off conical chunks of their flesh, and even the soft parts of nuclear submarines.

(Thanks to Ralph)


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Perhaps our military submarine "scientists" should put a protective cover of some kind over the "soft spots" of a nuclear sub. Call it a sub condom?

Actually, I believe they're rubber coated to reduce noise, so that may be the soft spot in question.

So our submarines are already wearing rubbers.

"Mr. President. We cannot allow a sub condom gap!"

-----General "Buck" Turgeson the Third

Bite Me!

The sharks are addicted to the soft, warm glow they get from noshing on nuclear powered subs...

Can a Cookie Cutter Sharknado be in the makes ?

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