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June 24, 2021


Wedding crashers steal beer, punch groom and start fight at Ohio reception

(Thanks to Barry Nester, who says "Other than that...")


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"Your honor, I would like to offer in my defense that this was all for a case of beer."

Evidently they thought they were at a Yankees-Red Socks baseball game.

I can understand stealing the punch and the beer, but the groom? And does a start fight improve your reception in Ohio?

Wasn't there a 75 year old man doing security like the weddings I've been to?

They had just come from that Kentucky Redneck Rave.

...and with fresh vittles they'll now be heading back.

Crowl suffered multiple cuts from broken beer bottles.

I guess the genius didn't see that possibility coming when he planned this caper. I'm guessing the cuts were from many people breaking beer bottles over his noggin.

When doing the "Hokey-Pokey" turns violent.

Evidently, they believed they were at a baseball game between the Yankees and Red Sox.

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