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March 28, 2021


A Houston tax preparer faces assault and robbery charges after she allegedly brandished a gun at a disgruntled customer and stole the cellphone of another filming the altercation, according to police and victim accounts.

(Thanks to unkle johno)


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Better not complain about the size of your refund. And keep off her lawn.

Go figure.

Turbo Atax.

BTW My account is ninety years old and I've know him for almost 40 years. Our phone conversation now goes like this:


"Have you prepared the paperwork yet?"

"I've got it right here, I'll do it today."


"Have you sent in the paperwork yet"

"I'll do it today."


"Has the state received the paperwork and answered back."

"I have it here and will send it today."



"man tom sure, yeah how, have you been?"

"I'm good, you?"

"Good, (Long pause) then a very weak sounding, 'good'.

This tax preparer missed the boat. She has the temperament to have made a good IRS agent.

I'm in Payroll and I feel the same way when idiot employees call on April 15th to demand reprints of their W-2s.

Judging from the window sign, she may not have been managing the clients' refund expectations in what is called a "prudent manner."

CPA Bill, marriage, taxes and a surprise at the wedding. Mr L called his CPA, Bill. “Bill, I’ve got a girl up here from Florida I’m going to marry. I’m thinking about my taxes, should I marry her this year or next year?” Bill recommends the current year. Mr L calls the Kenai Alaska Courthouse and sets the date and time. December 31,1998 3:00pm, the last marriage of the year. He put it off as late as possible. Now the romantic part. We walk into the courtroom and Mr. L. says “Oh, this is same room I got divorced in.”

That's pretty much how they got Al Capone.

A most unusual marketing ploy.

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