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February 25, 2021


Erotic snow sculptures heat up parody City of Winnipeg Facebook page

(Thanks to Ralph and pharmaross)

Baffled Canadians Spread Reports Of 'Hard' Butter

(Thanks to MOTW)

The Vancouver Park Board confirmed to CTV News on Tuesday the sign from Dude Chilling Park has been stolen and staff are working to get another.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Can they still do snow balls, or use a snow blower?

Another Canadian snowjob!


The whole thing was a Joke Post? The average Canadian has lost their mind.

Wait...isn't room temperature in Canada low enough that the butter would always be hard anyway?

Why would Canadian dudes need chilling?

Erotic Snow Sculptures toured with Cool and the Gang

This is why top chefs recommend margarine and heavy lard instead of butter.


I may have mentioned this before, but there's a Bong Road out in the country by me. The road sign was stolen so often that they finally just mounted it on a power pole 15' off the ground. This was enough to stymie the stoners' engineering abilities.

pad, I would have liked that better if they had set up a motion-sensitive camera to catch the surprised expression on the sign-stealers' faces.

https://www.google.com/search?q=butter+sculpture+minnesota+state+fair&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS773US773&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwivouSI1oXvAhVOEFkFHZcHCvwQ_AUoAXoECAIQAw&biw=780&bih=375 How soon does the Minnesota state fair expand it's butter sculpture exhibit?

To paraphrase a famous philosopher (whose name escapes me)...."You can fool some of the Candians
most of the time....and those are pretty good odds."

I found 'Buttergate' amusing.
"To keep up with the recent surge in butter demand, Charlebois says farmers have been boosting the amount of palm oil-based feed in cows' diets to step up supply. Canadian Food Inspection Agency regulations stipulate that butter products must contain at least 80% milk fat. While adding palm oil to butter is legal, Charlebois says the question now is, 'Should it be legal?'"

Indeed. The plot thickens, much like Canadian butter.

It would be worse if they were feeding the cows penis worms.

Eventually they will give up on replacing the Dude Chilling park signs and rename the place to either 'Dude' or 'Chilling' park. Colorado DOT eventually replaced constantly stolen 420 milepost signs with ones reading '419.99,' the the dudes weren't interested in those.

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