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February 26, 2021


Grandma celebrating her birthday takes down purse snatcher in Australia

(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson)


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Just another flip-flopper who got his just desserts.

Do NOT mess with them.

It was her venom that did him in.

An embarrassment to the purse-snatching community.

Okay, guy, your plan is to snatch and run while wearing flip-flops?

Criminal Mastermind of the Week.

That attack granny is likely also some poor soul's mother-in-law. Rod is right, venomous Australian mother-in-laws... Oh, the humanity.

A chap who now lives here in Flathead County says he once worked a few days in the Australian Outback as an ambulance driver. He said they have a word there that describes a person who hesitates, even briefly, to wonder if any creature they encounter is venomous or not. They are called,"statistics."


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