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January 29, 2021


These’s a shortage of Grape-Nuts.

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Are we to assume that the use of grape here is an adjective referring to size and how will this affect the chameleons?

A black market for Grape-Nuts. Now I've seen everything.

After I saw what Grape Nuts did to Euell Gibbons, I wouldn't touch the stuff.


It's an emergency for folks who rely on Grape Nuts to stay 'regular,' IYKWIM.


I thought grape nuts was a venereal disease.

It seems appropriate that the brand manager is named DeROCK, since Grape Nuts are like little rocks.

And I confess that as a kid I liked them better than all the kid-targeted sugary cereals.

I thought this day would never come.

The reason for the backup situation and shortage is chronicled here.

I have no idea what a grape nut is, and I treasure my ignorance.

We will just have to eat pine cones.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UShiwymsX0w ...No grape nuts visible here either, Pharmaross.

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