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January 24, 2021


Navy to continue bombing in Florida

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Florida is well prepared to protect itself, if the old magazine photo of the Blog armed with a water gun and sporting a "Top Gub" hat is anything to go by.

Well if you can't bomb your friends, who can you bomb ?


We have official claim forms to file with the city should the street department shake part of your business down to the ground while repairing the street. The repair has been going on for an entire year. We are in hopes the Navy comes in and just bombs the place and causing the street department to pick up their orange cones and leave.

Let them do it in the Everglades. Then it will drive the pythons into Miami-Dade County where we can do something about them.

It's almost impossible to kill when you're doing stand-up in a military uniform.

If they blow up a lot of squirrels, it may be worth putting up with the explosions.

That's called 'the softening up' before they launch the nukes.

“Always be mindful of larger animals including black bears and practice bear-wise measures,” officials warn.

Good advice.

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