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January 18, 2021


Shrewd macaques prefer to target items that humans are most likely to exchange for food, such as electronics, rather than objects that tourists care less about, such as hairpins or empty camera bags

(Thanks to Mary Smith)


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Remember when monkey business involved an organ grinder? Now they're independent contractors probably there's some tax advantage involved.

In a related item, carjackings are up everywhere.

Shrewd Macaques did an open air concert with Gary Lewis and the Playboys. Guess what was missing and commanded a lot of bananas? Gary was lucky He wasn't taken hostage.

Hey, it was the 60's who have informed the 20 teens and have
recently included the 2020's, "you win, your are beyond more crazy."

The squirrels didn't train them. The squirrels aren't that sophisticated. Remember, these are little people.

Back in the late 90's, we went to that temple, and the monkeys tried to take my glasses and wallet and passport. They knew exactly what they were after, and no interest in the camera (probably too big for them). They didn't succeed, but I guess I was too quick for them.

In any case, they certainly made a monkey out of me.

Maybe I can con them into taking my Clinton inauguration souvenirs.

I'd be inclined to remind the monkey that HE might bring a nice price at the local market.

Rod Nunley--Just take care to never get a monkey's paw. I believe they are trouble.

Heads up: National Squirrel Appreciation Day is this Thursday. Grab your nuts, everyone!


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