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January 30, 2021


No, more sex is not the answer to the country’s problems

(Thanks to Ralph)


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We just need women to chill out and put on some Enya.

If you are a young man trading stock from your parents basement and bring a girl home, be sure to put this on to take her mind off what a derelict your are. and put out.

Reading the story, at the end of it, I read 'put on some Enya' and thought it was some kind of lubricant.

Should that read: Yes, more sex is not the answer...

Yes it is. You have frustrated, aggressive people (probably spoiled brats) acting out, destroying things. Look at the Q people.

Yes, more sex is the answer.

I don't know how anyone could arrive at this (obviously incorrect) conclusion.

Another screwy study.

That all depends: what was the question?

This theory needs more testing. Much more testing, actually.

Symptomatic of today's society, where people believe they know all the answers (without knowing any of the questions).

man tom---I misread Enya(who I have never heard of) as endya. Apparently, there may be quite a difference.

Clearly this is a multi-level issue. We should examine all its Lysi strata.

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