120-year-old condom found in Japan
(Thanks to Ralph and Alberto)
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120-year-old condom found in Japan
(Thanks to Ralph and Alberto)
‘Abnormally Large Testicles’ Lead To Sale Of Australian Racehorse
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Giant snow penis appears in Swedish town
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Woman calls police after arriving too late for McDonald’s drive-thru breakfast
(Thanks to AmoebaStampede)
Navy to continue bombing in Florida
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Needless to say it produced a valid Florida driver’s license.
(Thanks to Ralph)
Journalism Question: Is there some rule requiring that EVERY news story involving a bird MUST include some play on the words “foul” and “fowl?”
Boat captain pets great white shark off Pinellas coast
(Thanks to Ralph and pharmaross)
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
In two weeks.
(Thanks to Dave N, who says “In the old days we’d just shove steaks into our pants and walk out.”)
Prince Charles is celebrating Red Squirrel Appreciation Day!
"As you will all know so well, these charming and intelligent creatures never fail to delight," Charles, 72, wrote. "I take enormous pleasure in having them around – and in! – the house when I am at home in Scotland.
(Thanks to B’game)
Somebody needs to tell the prince: Toronto woman finds knife-wielding squirrel in back yard
(Thanks to Doc Occ)
Haggis launched to the edge of space in celebration of Burns Night
(Thanks to Jay Brandes, who says "not far enough.")
Naked man driving stolen JSO cruiser crashes into woods on I-10
Huh: The man... appeared to be in a distressed mental state
(Thanks to pharmaross, who notes that the "distressed mental state" is Florida)
Elon Musk: Dig tunnels as solution for traffic jams in this Florida city
(Thanks to pharmaross and Woozy Barnes)
‘Call of Duty’ pro gamer retires at 25 due to thumb injury. ‘It breaks my heart’
(Thanks to Kevin Smith)
Making more money really does make people happier, study says
(Thanks to Barry Nester)
Male Mantises Evolved a Vital Trick to Avoid Being Decapitated After Sex
(Thanks to The Fourth George)
Senior citizens waiting for COVID-19 vaccine mistaken for ‘illegal rave’
(Thanks to DaninDallas)
(Thanks to Rod Nunley and B'game)
A bill to establish a Bigfoot hunting season was introduced in Oklahoma Wednesday.
(Thanks to pharmaross)
This Premium Gin Is Made From Distilled Elephant Dung
(Thanks to Ralph)
Invasive pythons hold key ingredient for COVID-19 vaccine
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Australian Open players in quarantine accused of feeding mice in their hotel rooms
(Thanks to Susie Q Wacvet)
We never knew that mice had hotel rooms.
(Thanks to Unholy Slacker)
Florida man accused of trying to steal horses, riding them home, deputies say
(Thanks to Asher Scheiner)
Here's a story about the time I marched in a presidential inaugural parade, back when we had those.
Edwin Poots issues jelly and gravy shortage warning
This has been The News From Abroad.
(Thanks to Ralph)
Cumming man accused of trespassing naked
(Thanks to pharmaross)
Wiltshire referral centre treats world-first dual penis dog successfully
(Thanks to pharmaross)
...will make you long to have 2020 back.
(Thanks to John Lobert)
Finally in 3-D: A Dinosaur’s All-Purpose Orifice
(Thanks to Steve K. and vee)
We think "all-purpose orifice" might be a good replacement for a cruder term we sometimes use to describe people we do not care for.
Another Way of Putting It: Scientists Have Described a Dinosaur's Butthole in Exquisite Detail
(Thanks to Suzie Q Wacvet, Jim Kenaston and Jen Hansen)
Also: This fossil reveals how dinosaurs peed, pooped and had sex
(Thanks to Le Petomane)
Also: 1st preserved dinosaur butthole is 'perfect' and 'unique,' paleontologist says
(Thanks to Doug in Sacramento and Doug Ogg)
Paleontologists Detect 50-million-year-old Fossil Bug Penis
(Thanks to Art Kraus)
Army is working on Frankenbots with living tissue to better robot capabilities
(Thanks to Le Petomane, who asks "What could possibly go wrong?")
Great Falls veterinarian reports spike in marijuana ingestion by dogs
(Thanks to pharmaross)
(Thanks to Allen at Division)
Flaming truck speeds through town
(Thanks to Steve K)
Man found living in Chicago airport for three months 'due to fear of Covid'
(Thanks to Not My Usual Alias, who says "I've spent three months circulating the passenger pickup loop, but never been inside that long.")
12:09 p.m. A woman reported her brother was manufacturing drugs and messing with her Wi-Fi.
(Thanks to Bob Brogan)
Magicians mark 100 years of 'sawing woman in half' trick
(Thanks to Nancy Gill)
Colombia’s ‘cocaine hippos’ must be stopped, scientists warn
(Thanks to pharmaross)
(Thanks to Jeff Meyerson and pharmaross)