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January 31, 2021


The Marine Police under the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) foiled an attempt to smuggle in chicken parts by boat last Wednesday.

(Thanks to Jim Kenaston)


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You’ll note that this is nowhere near Miami.

Can we assume that there are no KFC restaurants in Borneo?

Nothing worse than trying to cook a plastic bag full of chicken parts in the microwave. The cops had the right idea, wrap them in foil and cook them in the smoker, on the grill or in the convection oven.

A neighbor of mine was recently cited for “Chickens At Large”. I imagine her time at the Police Station resembled an Arlo Guthrie song.

Are these news nuggets?

Parts is parts.

Or so I've heard.

Were these the naughty parts of the chickens?

Well, it might be easy to misidentify a bag of chicken gizzards as chicken testicles. That aside, thought I'd share this bit of good news that 2021 is predicted to be almost 58 milliseconds shorter than 2020!

They're actually flying squirrel parts, but they taste kinda like chicken.

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