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January 20, 2021


Here's a story about the time I marched in a presidential inaugural parade, back when we had those.


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" it is also a time to celebrate the diversity of this great nation, which includes all kinds of people, some of whom are clowns."

Lest we forget.

So all dressed-up (top hat and tails), and nowhere to go? Can we at least be privy to your acceptance speech?

So if the new government is all that concerned about spreading Covid, why are they having the traditional outdoor inauguration where people can stand around next to each other? Wouldn't it have been better to swear in the new prez in the Oval Office and just show it on TV? It's on TV anyway.

I drove from Georgia up to Northern Virginia over the day today, noticing quite a few signs directing people to avoid DC (these several days). This is generally good advice, though I especially appreciated the extra help in keeping the highway relatively clear as I neared the area.

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