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January 19, 2021


’I would have crashed:’ Fleeing suspect claims he was driving too fast to pull over, police say

(Thanks to pharmaross)


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Never get in the way of a Florida man on his way to see his Florida mom.

His excuse might have worked if his car was on fire.

I'm sure his mother was elated to have her exceptional son back ; )


Nicholas Debetes ==>
Sheds - noticeable
Celibate Son Shed (where his mama might need to house him)
Once established
Bashed selection
Heedless Botanic (WBAGNFARB)
Closeted Banshie (better NFARB)
Seethed loins cab
Hostile cab needs
Beached islet son
No debacle thesis

A long departed friend once told me how she was pulled over for speeding on the freeway. The cop had pursued her for a couple of minutes before she pulled over. When he asked why she hadn't stopped immediately, she replied that she thought he was chasing somebody else, and she was just trying to get around all the traffic to move over and let him pass.

He didn't write her a ticket.

I was prolly 20, maybe 21 or so, when an unmarked 'detective' car pulled me over near my house. An 'unmarked' detective got out and walked to my window. I asked what, "what is the problem?" He said, "get out of the car and sit on the curb over there." Ok, I had not robbed a bank, or been in any traffic accident and had seen my mom earlier that day and she was fine, so I thought, 'what is this all about, what have I done?' A few minutes passed when a 'marked' police cruiser pulled up and the officer, a grade school friend, got out and walked over laughing at me and said with a wide grin to the detective. "this is not the guy." I said, "Danny wtf happened to you?" I was referring to his very noticeable, you couldn't miss it, black eye and giant whelp on his eye. He said, "I made a traffic stop and got punched out, we are looking for the guy."

The detective explained I matched the description of the suspect. I was released and have led life on a straight and narrow path ever since.

Le Petomane - I know the story calls for a huge sigh of relief for you and other caring readers of the blog knowing I came through the incident in one piece. Go ahead and include the story in my memoirs. Pen it under the chapter, Profiles in Courage.

Was he driving a boat? "operating an unregistered vessel"... definitely could have crashed if he tried to pull over.

"I was bringing the stolen car to Mom. She stole it."

man tom--I feel your pain. In the early 70's I was driving to lunch when a cop car pulled cross ways in front of me while I was stopped at a red light. Then two more cruisers came up running lights and sirens. I started looking around to see who they were after, when I noticed their guns were pointed at me. I was told to get out, hands laced behind my head and lay face down. I had followed everything they asked when a new cop car showed up and announced they had the bank robber in custody a few blocks away. Those cops just went away and left me laying in the middle of the intersection with people looking at me as if they were scared of me. Never so much as a simple "sorry."
I decided to drink my lunch that day just to steady my nerves. I never learned who the cops were after nor was there anything on the news about a bank robbery.

Le Petomane - when you mentioned you were 'laying face down' and the cops just 'left you laying there' I had a revelation, well I remembered, something I had not thought about for years. I left my apartment door unlocked. Someone in the building called the cops because they heard 'noises'. The cops came quietly into my open apartment door and opened my bedroom door to find me with my girlfriend unclothed doing an old gymnastics routine she learned in college. Parallell round-off, vault splits or something. Leaps. Split Leaps vaults I think. Can't remember what she called it. But she yelled a lot when we were doing it.

I told them I was willing to leave and come back later when she was decent and had calmed down. I think they were too stunned watching our routine to say anything but, "that would be probably best...by our investigation report...we think."

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